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  • 2022年,手机架构能逃离Arm魔爪吗?品玩

    [10]Reuters:U.S.-based chip-tech group moving to Switzerland over trade curb fears.2019.11.26.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-semiconductors-insight-idUSKBN1XZ16L [11...

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  • esp32[小脚丫STEP开源社区]

    The ESP32 SoC(system on a chip)is housed in surface-mount,​ Quad-Flat No-leads(QFN)packages in either 6×6 mm² or 5×5 mm² sizes with 48+1 connection pads(48 pads along the ...

  • CT伺服驱动器

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  • 2022年,手机架构能逃离Arm魔爪吗?品玩

    [10]Reuters:U.S.-based chip-tech group moving to Switzerland over trade curb fears.2019.11.26.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-semiconductors-insight-idUSKBN1XZ16L [11...

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