




  • SQL Tutorial(暂未上线)v1.0.4安卓客户端

    SQL is very important language and is used all over the industry.This application provides a detailed description of almost every topic of sql.You can now execute queries in the ...

  • ORACLE SQL Tutorial

    sql:table-relation,row-tuple,column-attribute 一个table最多254个column 可使用的数据类型: char(n长度的字符串), varchar(不固定长度的字符串), number(o,d)-o:总位数,d:小数点...

  • SQL教程 SQL Tutorial Free(暂未上线)v1.0.0安卓客户端


  • [SQL Tutorial]Triggers

    CREATE-TRIGGER `event_name` BEFORE/AFTER INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE-ON `database`.`table`-FOR EACH ROW BEGIN-trigger body-this code is applied to every-inserted/updated/deleted row-END;...

  • pl/sql tutorial

    http://plsql-tutorial.com/plsql-procedures.htm What is PL/SQL?PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language extension of SQL. PL/SQL is a combination of SQL along with the procedural ...

  • sql

    sql_tutorial What is SQL?SQL is structured Query Language which is a computer language for storing,manipulating and retrieving data stored in relational database.SQL is the ...

  • [SQL Tutorial]Functions

    Find the number of employees SELECT COUNT(super_id)FROM employee;Find the average of all employee's salaries SELECT AVG(salary)FROM employee;Find the sum of all employee's salaries...

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