




  • 权威例句

    speaks Spanish--it's are you willing to invest in the hand-holding and relationship and trust building that's require...

  • 招聘官如何为面试“加分”?

    anyone can conduct a good interview, says Pamela Skillings, founder of New York-based career consulting firm Skillful Communications, which has provided...

  • 双语例句

    在 我 对 申请 资料 和 面试 做了充分的 准备 之后,2007年 8月 16 日,我如愿进了 Culver 。youdaoConsumer products maker Unilever NV agreed to buy beauty products maker Alberto Culver Co.

  • 权威例句

    "Research firm Jon Peddie Research pegged Nvidia's Q4 2007 share of the add-in graphics board market at 71% of a...

  • 外媒:中国反击快准狠!特朗普“贸易战”后首次发推……

    ... war, but to demonstrate no weakness," said Aidan Yao, an economist at fund management firm Axa Investment Managers.法国盛安集团经济学家Aidan Yao表示,“...

  • 2022年度招聘官如何为面试加分

    founder of New York-based career consulting firm Skillful Communications,which has provided interview training to iD Tech Camps and Columbia University,among others.Interviewing is...

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