




  • 商务信函剑桥商务英语

    I can confirm that we will be at the fair on both days.Thank you also for the invitation to the special reception. I regret that neither I nor my ...

  • 英文面试感谢信范文8篇

    ...commitment to their clients and their employees.I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.I feel strongly that I possess...

  • 英文面试感谢信10篇

    ...commitment to their clients and their employees.I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm. I feel strongly that I possess ...

  • The Snowball Part

    How to interpret the story, who else to interview, what to write: Thebook is up to me.He talks at length about human nature and memory’s frailty, then ...

  • Airways

    became 'momentarily unsure of his exact position'(= lost) and blundered into Class B airspace, forcing an EVA Ai...

  • diversity and candidate experience.And AI solutions were the best way to go faster on these challenges,said Eva Azoulay,global ...

    根据第七段 CEO James Brown said it helps the firm understand employees' habits and prevent them from overworking.可知,公司使用Isaak的主要目的就是了解员工的工作习惯,防止他们工作...

  • New Singapore activist hedge fund seeks to shake up companies

    “It’s a new approach and the market will need some time to get used to it,”Thng,who is chief executive officer of Singapore-based fund-management firm Dektos Investment Corp,...

  • 英文面试感谢信范文8篇

    英文面试感谢信 篇1 Dear Interviewer, 面试官您好: It was great meeting you today,and I appreciate you taking the time to interview me。I'm excited to be considered for the(name ...

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