




  • 168.Excel Sheet Column Title

    Given a positive integer,return its corresponding column title as appear in an Excel sheet.For example:1->A 2->B 3->C.26->Z

  • 168.Excel Sheet Column Title

    I think the reason we do n-is that number 0 is not included in this sheet.*We can consider this transformation as base-26.However,classic base-26 consists of*number from 0 to 25,...

  • 168.Excel Sheet Column Title

    168.Excel Sheet Column Title 将数字转换成excel的列表达 问题描述: Given a positive integer,return its corresponding column title as appear in an Excel sheet. For example: 1->A 2->B...

  • 验证


  • 168 Excel Sheet Column Title

    方法一:(模拟数学中求二进制的2除法)class Solution {public:string convertToTitle(int n){ char tabs[27];string ans=";tabs[1]='A';for(int i=2;i;i+)tabs[i]=char(tabs[1]+i-1);while(n){ ...

  • 168.Excel Sheet Column Title

    class Solution(object):def convertToTitle(self,n):""":type n:int:rtype:str"""alpha=['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X',...

  • 168.Excel Sheet Column Title

    原文题目: 168.Excel Sheet Column Title 读题: 将整数转为EXCEL表格列标,实际上就是十进制转26进制

  • 168.Excel Sheet Column Title

    Given a positive integer,return its corresponding column title as appear in an Excel sheet.For example:1->A 2->B 3->C.26->Z 27->AA 28->AB public class Solution { publ

  • 168 Excel Sheet Column Title

    这题比171那题要难一些。我用了很长时间调试边界。test case一定要想足才行。辗转相除(不知道是不是这个名词)/test case:26->Z;27->AA;52->public String convertToTitle(int n){ StringBuilder...

  • 168.Excel Sheet Column Title

    Given a positive integer,return its corresponding column title as appear in an Excel sheet. For example: 1->A 2->B 3->C.26->Z 27->AA 28->AB Credits: Special thanks to@ifanchu for ...

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