




  • 酒店专用术语

    布草Lobby大堂Logbook交接班本Lost and Found(L&F)失物招领 low/off-peak season 淡季I uggage(二baggage)行李I uggage rack 行李架I uggage sticker 行李胶贴I uggage tag 行李牌I uggage trol...

  • warnings

    ear·ly ˈwarn·ing 形 usu attr 1.warning sign(signboard): 2.warning sign usu pl(symptom): 互联网提供的例句(未经PONS编辑处理) GIZ supports the setting up of an operator for this ...

  • bank

    ad·ˈvis·ing bank 名词 金融 ˈagen·cy bank 名词 美 金融 agent ˈbank 名词 美 金融 author·ized ˈbank 名词 bank on 动词 不及物动词 bank ac·ˈcept·ance 名词 金融 ˈbank ac·...

  • 多激酶抑制剂索拉菲尼引起的手足皮肤反应

    Bei j ing 100733,China)A B ST R A C T Sorafenib iS a muhiki nase inhi bitor.whi ch iS used in the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma and many other types of solid tumors...

  • 汤佳

    Network-wide traffic signal control optimization using a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning[J].Li Zhenning,Yu Hao,Zhang Guo hui,Dong Shangjia,Xu Cheng-Zhong.Transportation ...

  • 马兰士DV4500维修手册.pdf

    marantz company has created the ultimate in stereo sound.only original marantz parts can insure that your marantz product will continue to perform to the specifications for which ...

  • 英语常见缩写,职业,公司

    11,probation[pr?u'bei?n] n.试用;缓刑;查验 probation:试用|见习|缓刑 probation teacher:代课教师 probation period:见习期|缓刑考验期|试用期 12,badge['b?d?n.徽章;证章;标记 vt.授给...

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