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Detailed download and installation tutorial for php

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Detailed download and installation tutorial for php

Detailed PHP download and installation tutorial

Installing PHP development environment under Windows

1. Apache

# (1) Download:

Because the Apache official website only provides source code, if you want You have to compile it yourself to use it. Here I choose the third-party installation package Apache Lounge.

Enter the official download address of Apachelounge: http://www.apachelounge.com/download/

First download and install vc redist, which is a component necessary for Apache to run.

Download the decompressed version of Apache and place the decompressed folder in the path you want to install.

(2) Modify the configuration file:

The default Apache path exists: "c:\Apache24" (the version number may be different). If it is different from your installation path, you need to open the Apach\conf\httpd.conf configuration file and add all "c:\Apache24" and "c:\Apache24" that are not commented with "#" in front of it. \htdocs" and "c:\Apache24\cgi-bin" to the corresponding paths.

Specify IP and port: Find "ServerName www.example.com:80" in httpd.conf, remove the previous comment, and change "www.example.com" to " localhost". If you want to modify the port, modify the "80" here together with the 80 in the previous "Listen: 80".

(Optional) Add system variables: Add "Apache installation path\bin" to Path.

(3) Verify whether the installation is successful: Run Apache startup httpd.exe. Enter localhost:80 on the browser. If it is not inaccessible, then the Apache configuration is complete.

2. PHP

(1) Install and configure PHP: Enter the PHP download address http://windows.php.net/download to download The latest thread-safe PHP zip package, decompress it and place it in the path you want to install.

(2) Note: The downloaded PHP VC version cannot be higher than the vc redist version installed previously.

Enter the PHP installation directory, copy a copy of php.ini-development and rename it to php.ini and put it in the installation path. Open it and find "extension_dir", remove the comments, and change the value to "PHP installation path\ext" "

Load PHP in Apache, open Apache's configuration file conf\httpd.conf, find the LoadModule area, and add after it:

LoadModule php7_module "PHP installation Path\php7apache2_4.dll" # Load PHP as a module in Apache. The "7" in "php7_module" should correspond to the PHP version; in addition, different PHP versions "php7apache2_4.dll" may be different.

(3) Define the file that executes the PHP module: Find AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz, and add code on the next line: AddType application/x-httpd -php .php .html: Files declaring .php and .html can execute PHP programs.

(4) Test: Create a new file in the Apache installation path\htdocs: test.php, edit it: , start Apache, in Browser input: localhost:80/test.php.

//Note: After transferring this paragraph, I found that the file php.ini extension could not be found. Baidu later discovered that php 7.0 no longer supports connecting to Mysql in this way. Since it seems that there is no need to connect to the database yet, we will not connect to the database here. Interested students can search by themselves

3. MySQL

(1) Installation: at https://dev.mysql. com/downloads/Download the corresponding installation version and install it according to your own needs.

Load the assembly connecting to MySQL in PHP: add a line extension=php_mysqli.dll in the php.ini extension section.

(2) Note: Different PHP versions may provide different assemblies for connecting to mysq. Go to the ext folder to see what PHP provides and write it here. Different assemblies may use different functions when connecting to the database.

(3) Test: Edit in test.php: , start the database, restart Apache, and check it on the browser. If there is no error message, the configuration is correct.

Thank you for reading, I hope you can learn to download and install php.

This article is reproduced from: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44918822/article/details/90405835

Recommended tutorial: "PHP Tutorial"

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