商业模式创新对企业投资决策的影响研究——以特斯拉公司为例-research on the influence of business model innovation on enterprise investment decision - making - taking tesla company as an example.docx

商业模式创新对企业投资决策的影响研究——以特斯拉公司为例-research on the influence of business model innovation on enterprise investment decision - making - taking tesla company as an example.docx

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商业模式创新对企业投资决策的影响研究——以特斯拉公司为例-research on the influence of business model innovation on enterprise investment decision - making - taking tesla company as an example

摘 要 企业商业模式创新有很多路径,这些创新直接影响着财务决策和财务活动, 从而影响企业价值实现。现有文献往往侧重于从战略定位、经营决策、价值链等 管理的角度来研究企业的商业模式,往往忽略了财务决策和财务行为会受企业内 部环境中商业模式的影响。因此,在财务管理的领域内探究商业模式创新,是本 文的写作初衷之一。 电动汽车行业属于新兴行业之一,电动汽车企业在产品定位、盈利模式、从 电池技术到汽车生产销售的产业链等商业模式方面与其他汽车企业均有巨大差 别。特斯拉作为电动汽车行业的领头者,其独有的商业模式与传统汽车企业相比 有了颠覆式的创新,对其财务战略、财务决策尤其是投资决策有很大影响。现有 文献还鲜有对特斯拉创新的商业模式的系统分析,毋庸说关于其商业模式对特斯 拉公司战略、投资决策和投资行为独特性的影响的研究,这也是本文的初衷之二。 本文从商业模式要素的角度出发,选取了魏朱六要素模型为分析框架。依据 魏朱模型设计,商业模式从定位到企业价值的路径中的运行机制包括关键资源与 能力、业务系统、盈利模式与现金流结构。本文在财务管理范畴内研究了商业模 式创新与财务决策的关系,通过研究分析得出商业模式各个要素的创新会通过影 响现金流结构从而影响企业的财务决策,并最终影响企业价值的实现的结论,创 新性地构建了商业模式创新与财务决策尤其是投资决策及投资行为关系的理论 框架。 本文以特斯拉公司为例作案例研究。首先分析了特斯拉公司的创新性商业模 式的各个要素特征,然后按照理论框架分析了商业模式创新影响下的现金流结构 以及其影响下的投资决策和行为。特斯拉创新的商业模式带来了有益的现金流, 并且对特斯拉的独特的投资决策造成了影响,最终影响了企业价值和未来的战 略,为我国的电动汽车行业在盈利模式、营销手段等方面提供了有益启示。 关键词:商业模式创新,财务决策,特斯拉,投资决策 Abstract Innovation of business model has many paths, these innovation directly affects the financial decisions and financial activities, which influence the enterprise value realization. The existing literature ignored that financial decisions and financial behavior can be affected by the business model in the internal environment of enterprise. Therefore, to explore the business model innovation in financial management field is one of the original intention of writing this paper. Electric automobile enterprises have great difference with other automobile enterprises in business model. As a leader of electric car industry, Tesla’s unique business model is a radical innovation compared with the traditional automobile enterprises, which has great influence on its financial strategy, financial decision especially in investment decision. There are few existing literature study on the influence of its unique business model on its company strategy, investment decision and investment behavior, this is the other original intention of writing this paper. This article starts from the business model factors, selecting the Wei Zhu six factor model as the analysis frame. On the basis of Wei Zhu model, fro



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