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教育背景 关伟,男,1968年10月出生。分别于1990、1993和1997年在天津大学获学士、硕士、博士学位。1997年入北方交通大学博士后流动站工作,1999年出站后留校工作,现任北京交通大学交通运输学院副院长,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为系统工程、智能交通系统和现代物流系统。


研究方向 交通运输工程(专业学位)

招生专业 交通运输工程硕士

1. 国家高技术研究发展计划(“863”计划)主题项目课题“区域交通网络化智能诱导控制技术(编号:2011AA110303)”,2011年1月——2013年12月。

2. 国家高技术研究发展计划(“863”计划)课题“具有多匝道口的城市快速环路交通拥堵形成机理及疏导控制技术研究(编号:2006AA11Z212)”,2006年12月——2008年12月。

3. 国家科技支撑计划课题“奥运地面公交智能调度、运力资源优化配置与应急联动系统研究(编号:2006BAG01A01-2)”,2007年1月——2008年12月。

4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题“区域综合交通网络承载力理论与结构优化方法(编号:**-2),2012年1月——2016年12月。

5. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”计划)子课题”多方式公共交通运行的协同组织与调度理论和方法”, (编号:2012CB725403--5)”,2012年1月——2016年12月。

6. 国家自然科学基金“城市快速路主辅路交通流协同联动控制理论与方法研究(编号:**)”,2009年1月——2011年12月。

7. 国家自然科学基金“动态交通流理论的定性研究(编号:**)”,2002年1月——2004年12月。
12. 教育部“新世纪优秀人才计划”项目,“城市快速路主辅路交通流耦合/竞争关系模型研究(编号:NCET-08-0718)”,2009年1月—2011年12月。

13. 教育部科学技术研究重点项目“城市环路交通流状态跃迁机理的定性定量研究(编号:106031)”,2006年1月——2008年12月。

14. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目“基于TPT理论的城市快速路交通状态识别与预测方法(编号)”,2008年1月——2010年12月。

16. 西门子中国研究院合作计划项目“Validation on Real-time Traffic Information Collecting and ProcessingSystems (实时交通数据采集与处理系统的评估)”,2007年9月——2008年9月。

17. 西门子中国研究院合作计划项目“低成本实时交通信息的采集与估计方法”,2008年9月——2009年9月。

教学工作 主要讲授课程:系统工程、自动控制原理等。

1. Guan, W, Shuyan He and Jihui Ma , “Review on Traffic FlowPhenomena and Theory”, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering andInformation Technology, Vol.12, No.3, pp 90-97, 2012.

2. Guan, W. and S. He, “Statistical Features ofTraffic Flow on Urban Freeways.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 387, No 4, Feb 1, p 944-954. 2008
3. Guan W., and S. He, “PhaseTransition of Urban Freeway Traffic Flow”, Proceedings of 11th InternationalIEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Beijing,China,Oct. 12-15, pp868-874, 2008.

4. Guan, W, Shuyan He and Jihui Ma , “HMI: Pre-warningIndex of Traffic Jam Formation on Urban Freeway”, Journal ofTransportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, Vol.8, No.5, pp 26-31, 2008.

5. Guan W., and Shuyan He, “A Pre-warning Index of Traffic JamFormation”, Proceedings of 14th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems (Paper No. 4195),Beijing,China,2007.

6. Guan, W. and S. He, Statistical Features andPhases Identification of Traffic Flow on Urban Freeway. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and InformationTechnology, Vol.7, No.5: pp. 42-50. 2007.
7. Guan W., and H. Xie, “A Combination Forecasting Model ofUrban Ring Road Traffic Flow”, Proceedings of 9th IEEEIntelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Toronto, Canada, pp671-676,2006.

8. Guan W., and H. Hu, “Qualitative Analysis of Traffic JamFormation in Urban Ring Road”, Proceedings of 8th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, pp496-501, 2005.
9. Guan W., and X. L. Cai, “APractical Model of Dynamic Forecasting of Urban Ring Road Traffic Flow”, Proceedings of 8th International IEEE Conference on IntelligentTransportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, pp1050-1055, 2005.

10. Guan W., X. L. Cai, and L. L.Fan, “Spatio-Temporal CausalityExplanation of Non-homogeneous Traffic Flow”, Journal of Systems Science and Information, Vol. 3, No.1, pp31-39, 2005.

11. Guan W., “A Qualitative Modelof Cross-Lane Inhomogeneities in Traffic Flow”, IEEE Trans. on IntelligentTransportation Systems, Vol.5, No.3, pp188-199, 2004.

12. Guan W. and A. L. Huang, “QualitativeCorrelation Analysis Between HMI and SDI of a Traffic System”, Proceedingsof 7th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Washington,D.C.,U.S.A.pp76-81,2004.

13. Guan W., “Modeling Traffic FlowCharacteristics with Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge”, Proceedings of 6th IEEEInternational Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems,Shanghai,China.pp151-155, 2003.

14. Guan W., and Guowu Zhang,et.al.,“Research onITS Planning Methodology for Chinese Cities”, Journal of Systems Scienceand Information, Vol. 1, No.1,pp1-10, 2003.

15. Guan W. and Shen J.S et.al., “APractical Qualitative + Quantitative Method – S-ANN”, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol.11, No.1,pp19-27, 2002.

16. Guan W. and Shen J.S. et.al. “UsingS-ANN Method to Forecast the Ridership of Beijing Public Transportation”, Proceedingsof Internal Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies (ICTTS’2002), Guilin,China,pp877-882, 2002.

17. 关伟,“交通拥堵发生时车道非同态性变化的仿真分析”,系统仿真学报,Vol.18, No.5, pp1339-1342, 2006.

18. 关伟,“宏观交通流的定性建模方法”,土木工程学报,Vol. 36, No.7,pp66-71, 2003。

19. 关伟 申金升等,“公交优先的信号控制策略研究” 系统工程学报,Vol.16,No.3, pp176-180,2001。

20. 关伟,蔡晓蕾,“城市环路交通流实时滚动预测实用模型”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.6,No.4。pp13-17,2006。

23. Guan W. and Bao Liu, “Qualitative Simulation ofNon-linear SISO System,” Journal of Systems Scienceand Systems Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, Mar. , 1998.

24. 关伟,刘豹,“从状态空间的角度对定性模拟中一些概念的讨论”,信息与控制,Vol.27, No.4, 1998。

25. 关伟,刘豹,“结合区域和时间信息的定性模拟方法”,系统工程学报,Vol.12, No.2, 1997。

32. Zhengbing HE, B.C. CHEN, N. Jia, Wei Guan, et. al., “Route GuidanceStrategies Revised: Comparison and Evaluation in an Asymmetric Two-RouteTraffic Network,” International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 25, No. 4(2014) **. 2014.
33. Yang Q., Guan Wei, Zhang WY, ZangGZ., “Day-to-day pairwise departure-time swapping in commuting trips”, AppliedMechanics and Materials, Vol.448-453, pp 4128-4133. 2014.

34. Huang L.C., Guan Wei, Xiong J, “Routingdesign optimization of bus joint for passenger transfer centers”. AppliedMechanics and Materials, Vol. 448-453, pp. 4140-4149. 2014.

35. Zang, Guang Zhi, Guan, Wei; Zhang, Wen Yi, “Day-to-day departure-timeadjustment process for CTM-based morning commute problem by optimum pattern”, Advanced Materials Research, v 869-870, p266-271, 2014, Sustainable Development of Industry and Economy.

36. Yin, Ting Ting; Guan, Wei, “Study on the assessment of theserving state of the critical equipment of urban transit station”, AdvancedMaterials Research, v 869-870, p 20-29, 2014, Sustainable Development ofIndustry and Economy.

37. 熊杰,关伟,黄爱玲,“社区公交接驳地铁路经优化研究”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.14,No.。pp166-173,2014。
38. Wenyi Zhang, Wei Guan, LiyingSong, Baohua Mao, Guangzhi Zang. “Modeling Traveler’s Day-to-Day ReroutingBehavior considering Multiday Experiences”. Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2013, Volume 2013, Article ID 453140, 8 pages.

39. Zhengbing He , Wei Guan ,Shoufeng Ma, “ A traffic-condition-based route guidance strategy for a single destinationroad network”, Transportation Research Part C, 32 (2013) pp89–102, 2013.

40. ZHANG Wen-yi, GUAN Wei, SONGLi-ying, SUN Hui-jun, ”Alpha-reliable combined mean traffic equilibrium modelwith stochastic travel times”, Journal of Central South University, Vol. 20 No.12, pp3770?3778, December, 2013.
41. Xiong, Jie., Guan, Wei., Song,L., Huang, A., and Shao, C.. "Optimal Routing Design of Community ShuttleJoint for Metro Stations." ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol.139, No. 12, December ,pp1211-1223, 2013
42. Wenyi Zhang,Wei Guan, et,al., “Nonlinear Min-Cost-PursuedRoute-Swapping Dynamic System”, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume2013, Article ID 162128, 10 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/162128, May, 2013.

43. Zheng-bing He, Shou-fengMa , WeiGuan, “ Delays caused by motorized vehicles unable to clear intersections inChina: Graphical analysis”, Journal of Central South University of Technology ,Volume20,No.9, pp 2614-2624 September 2013 .

44. Song, Liying,Guan, Wei; Cherrett, Tom; Li, Baowen, “Quantifying the greenhouse gasemissions of local collection-and-delivery points for last-mile deliveries”, TransportationResearch Record, n 2340, p 66-73, January 12, 2013 .

45. 陈绍宽, 韦伟, 毛保华, 关伟, “基于改进时空Moran's I指数的道路交通状态特征分析 I”,: 物理学报,Vol.62, No.14, (148901), July20, 2013.

46. Jie, Xiong, Wei, Guan et. al., “ Coordinated optimizationof community shuttle timetable joint for metros based on genetic algorithm”, Proceedingsof the 2013 3rd International Conference on Intelligent System Design andEngineering Applications, ISDEA 2013, p 491-495, January, 2013.

47. 贺正冰, 关伟,“面向长周期的交通状态反馈诱导策略”,控制与决策,Vol.28 No.7 pp. 1046?1050,July,2013。

48. Ma, Ji Hui, Liu, Tao, Guan, Wei,”Solving balanced bus crew rosteringproblem with genetic algorithm”, AppliedMechanics and Materials, v 361-363, p 2070-2074, 2013

49. Song Liying, Cherrett Tom, GuanWei. “Quantifying the GHG emissions of local collection/delivery points for lastmile deliveries.” The 92nd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, USA., January 13-17,2013.

50. He Zheng-bing, He Shuyan, GuanWei. “A Figure-eight Hysteresis Pattern in Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams foran Urban Freeway Network in Beijing, China”. The 92nd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington,USA ., January 13-17, 2013.

51. Zhang Wenyi, Guan Wei, Song Liying,Sun Huijun. “An alpha-reliable combined meantravel time measure for modelingrouting risk-behaviors in stochastic traffic network.” The 92nd TRB AnnualMeeting, Washington, USA. , January 13-17, 2013.

52. 熊杰,关伟,孙宇星,“基于Kalman滤波的地铁换乘客流预测”,北京交通大学学报,Vol.37 No.3 pp. 112?116,July,2013。

53. Lingling Fan, Shaokuan Chen, Wei Guan, “ Temporal Pattern Analysisof Beijing Traffic Guidance Information Released by VMS”, 13th COTAInternational Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2013), Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 96 ( 2013 ) 2595 – 2601.

54. 贺正冰, 关伟,“考虑信号交叉口影响的分散路径诱导策略”,北京工业大学学报,Vol.39 No.10, pp. 1539?1544,Oct.,2013。

55. 黄爱玲,关伟,毛保华 等,“北京公交线路客流加权复杂网络特性分析”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.13,No.6。pp198-204,2013

57. Yuan Yueming, Guan Wei, “Offlinehandover location positioning for map matching of mobile probes “, Journal ofCentral South University of Technology, Vol.19 No.7 pp. 2067?2072, July, 2012.
58. Huang Ailing, Guan Wei, et. al,“ Analysis of ITMS System Impact Mechanism in Beijing Based on FD and TrafficEntropy”, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2012, Article ID350847, 16 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/350847, November, 2012.
59. 张勇,关伟,”离散交通流的变结构控制”, 控制与决策, Vol.27,No.1. pp47-52,2012。

60. Song, Liying, Cherrett, Tom; Guan, Wei,“Study on berth planning problem in a container seaport: Using an integratedprogramming approach”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 62, No 1, p119-128, February 2012.

61. He, Shuyan, Guan, Wei. Investigationon traffic flow competition between main road and on-ramp on urban freeway. 201215th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Alaska,USA, September 16-19, 2012, p 1211-1214.

62. Li Weiran, Guan Wei, Bi Jun,Liu Fudongsheng. Design and implementation of regional traffic informationdisseminating System Based on ZigBee and GPRS. 2012 International Conference onLow-Carbon Transportation, Logistics, and Green Buildings. Beijing, China,October 12-13, 2012, p 281-286.

63. Song, Yue Ma Jfliui, Guan Wei, “A multi-objective model for regionalbus timetable based on NSGA-II”, Proceedings,2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and AutomationEngineering, v 2, p 185-188, 2012, CSAE 2012.

64. 孙宇星,关伟等,北京市轨道交通换乘客流信息检测与管理,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.12,No.2。pp187-193,2012。

65. Zhang WY, Guan W, Huang AL,Tian JF. “SUE model based on a reliability-admissible reasonable route set”. The 5th International Joint Conference onComputational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2012), 23-26, June, Harbin,Heilongjiang, China, 2012, pp. 458-461.
66. Bi Jun, Guan Wei, Qi Long-Tao.A genetic resampling particle filter for freeway traffic-state estimation.2012.06, Chinese Physics B, 21(6): 068901-1-068901-5.

67. Bi, Jun, Shao, Sai; Guan, Wei; “State of charge estimation ofLi-ion batteries in an electric vehicle based on a radial-basis-function neuralnetwork”, Chinese Physics B, v 21, n 11, November 2012, 文献号: 118801.

68. Liying Song, Tom Cherrett, WeiGuan, Wenyi Zhang. “Alternative solution for addressing failed home deliveries”.Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,2012.08, 2269: 83-91

69. Tao Liu, Jihui Ma, Wei Guan,Yue Song, Pengwei Fu. Design and Implementation of bus crew scheduling system usingintegrated case-based and rule-based reasoning. The 5th International JointConference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2012), 23-26, June,Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, 2012, pp. 475-479.

70. Tao Liu, Jihui Ma, Wei Guan,Yue Song, Hu Niu. “Bus arrival time prediction based on the k-nearest neighbor method.” The 5th International JointConference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2012), 23-26, June,Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, 2012, pp. 480-483.
71. 袁月明,关伟等,“基于切换定位技术的城市近郊快速路地图匹配算法”, 吉林大学学报 (工学版), Vol.41,No.5。pp1240-1245,2011。

72. Yuan Yueming, Guan Wei, “Outlierhandover location correction of mobile probe”, Journal of TransportationSystems Engineering and Information Technology, Vol.11, No.5, pp.42-47, 2011.

73. Yuan, Yueming, W. Guan,”Outlier detection of handover data for inner-suburban freewaytraffic information estimation using mobile probes”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2011,Budapest,Hungary,pp1-5. 2011

74. Zhang Wenyi, W. Guan, “The sensitivity analysis of traveler’scost-susceptivity based on Logit-SUE model”, 2011 International Conference onTransportation, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering, December 16-18, Changchun, China, pp2764-2767.

75. 袁凯,关伟,“城市快速路交通流车头时距分布特性分析”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.11,No.6。pp68-73,2011。

76. Shuyan He and W. Guan, “Explaining Traffic Patterns at on-ramp Vicinity by aDriver Perception Model in the Framework of Three-phase Traffic Theory” Physica A: StatisticalMechanics and its Applications, Vol. 389, No 4, pp 825-836, Feb 15, 2010.
77. Yuan, Yueming,W. Guan, Qiu, Wei “Mapmatching of mobile probes based on handover location technology”,: 2010International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 2010, p587-592, 2010

78. Meng, Xu, A. Ceder, Ziyou Gao, Wei Guan, “Mass transitsystems of Beijing: governance evolution and analysis”, Transportation, 37:709-729, 2010.

79. Yuan, Yueming,W. Guan, “Usingcellular network for inner-suburban freeway traffic monitoring”, Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on LogisticsEngineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems, LEITS2010 -, p 255-258,2010 .

80. 张勇,关伟,”预测交通流量时间序列的组合动态建模方法”, 吉林大学学报 (工学版), Vol.40,No.5。pp1209-1214,2010

81. 张心哲,关伟,“基于Hough变换的交通流状态辨识方法”,系统工程,Vol.28,No.1。pp1-7,2010。

82. 张勇,关伟,“交通流时间序列分形的实证研究”,公路交通科技,Vol.27, No.5, pp100-103. 2010.

83. 张勇,关伟,基于联合熵和 C0 复杂度的交通流复杂性测度. 计算机工程与应用,. 46(15): p. 22-24,2010.

84. 张勇,关伟,交通流时间序列的多重分形分析,计算机工程与应用,. 46(29): p. 23-25,2010.
85. 黄阿琼,关伟,“不同时间尺度下短期交通流的可预测性”,系统工程,Vol.28,No.5。pp75-80,2010。

86. 张心哲,关伟,“城市快速路路段交通流状态评估方法”,北京交通大学学报,Vol.33,No.6。pp47-51,2009。

87. Shuyan He and Wei Guan, “ObservedTime-headway Distribution and Its Implication on Traffic Phase”, Proceedingsof 12th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent TransportationSystems, St. Louis, Mo, USA, Oct. 3-7, pp803-808, 2009.

88. Yuan Yueming, Wei Guan, “Empirical Studies of Unblocked Indexfor Urban Freeway Traffic Flow States”, Proceedings of 12th InternationalIEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, St. Louis, Mo, USA, Oct.3-7, pp666-671, 2009.

89. 张勇,关伟,“基于最大Lyapunov指数的多变量混沌时间序列预测”,物理学报,Vol.58, No.26, pp756-763. 2009.

90. 张勇,关伟,“交通流时间序列预测的复杂度测量”,交通运输工程学报,Vol.9, No.2, pp89-92. 2009.
91. 张勇,关伟,“基于最大Lyapunov指数的改进混沌时间序列预测”,信息与控制,Vol.38, No.3, pp360-364. 2009.

92. 张勇,关伟,“采用LS-SVM计算时间序列的Lyapunov指数谱”,计算机工程与应用,Vol.45, No.31,pp196-199. 2009.

93. 张勇,关伟,“港口集装箱吞吐量时间序列的分形分析”,物流技术,Vol.28, No.10, pp51-55.2009.

94. 张心哲,关伟,基于多参数状态时间序列的交通状态预测方法. 交通信息与安全,2009(6): p. 1-5.

95. 张心哲,关伟,“基于聚类分析的城市交通路段划分研究”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.9,No.3。pp36-42,2009。

96. Niu Hu and Wei. Guan et.al, “Design and implementation of bus monitoring system based on GPS forBeijing Olympics” 2009 WRI World Congresson Computer Science and Information Engineering, CSIE 2009, vol. 7, p540-544, 2009.

98. Song, Liying, C.Tom; M. Fraser; Guan, Wei,“Addressing the last mile problem: Transport impacts of collection and deliverypoints”, Transportation Research Record,n 2097, p 9-18, 2009 .
99. 何蜀燕,关伟,“城市快速路交通流状态跃迁的实证分析”,中国公路学报,Vol.21, No.5, pp81-86,2008.

100. Shuyan He and Wei Guan, “EmpiricalInvestigation on Phase Diagram at Urban Freeway with On-ramp”, Proceedingsof 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent TransportationSystems, Beijing,China, Oct. 12-15, pp880-887, 2008.

101. Shuyan He and Wei Guan, “Link travel time estimation at signalized roadsegments with floating car data”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Studies 2008 ( ICTTS’ 2008), Nannin,China,August.5-7, pp880-889, 2008.

102. 袁月明, 关伟等,“基于视频检测技术的城市快速路车流减速波传播特性”,北京交通大学学报,Vol.32, No.6, pp57-61. 2008.

103. 袁月明,关伟等,“基于视频检测技术的城市快速路交通状态分析研究”,交通与计算机,Vol.26, No.4, pp1-3. 2008.

104. Shuyan He and Guan W. “Empirical Investigation on Traffic PhaseTransitions atBeijing Ring Road”, Proceedings of 2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Seattle,WA,USA,Sept.30-Oct.3, pp95-100, 2007.

105. 马继辉,关伟 等,公共交通线路调整影响分析系统的设计与实现,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.7, No.2, pp58-62, 2007.

110. Wang Jun, Guan W., ” A Practical Kalman Filter Model of Short TermTraffic Forecasting of Urban Ring Road, Proc. of 10th World Multi-Conference onSystemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, USA, pp94-98, 2006.

111. Shuyan He, Guan W., “Evaluation of the Effects of Variable MessageSigns at Urban Traffic Network”, IEEE International Conference on IndustrialTechnology, 2006. pp2955 – 2959.

112. 洪昊,关伟,“交通流理论的新进展”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.6,No.1, pp80-85, 2006.

113. 王均,关伟,“基于Kalman滤波的城市环路交通流短时预测研究”,交通与计算机,Vol.24,No.5, pp16-19, 2006.

114. 王均,关伟,“交通流数据质量检验方法”,ITS通讯, Vol.8,No.2, pp42-44, 2006。

115. Bi, Jun, Guan, W. et.al.,“Design for information collection and wireless transmission equipment ofpublic electric vehicle”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society forOptical Engineering, v 7127, Seventh International Symposium on Instrumentationand Control Technology: Sensors and Instruments, Computer Simulation, andArtificial Intelligence, p 71270U, 2008.

116. Bi J, Guan W. et. al., “Design for portable GPS handset”, 7th International Conference on ElectronicMeasurement and Instruments, VOL 4 : pp9-12, Beijing,China, pp16-18, 2005 (ISBN:7-5062-7443-4 ,

117. Bi J, Guan W. et. al., “Portableorientation handset based on GPS/GPRS”, 6th International Symposium on Test andMeasurement (ISTM), pp7823-7826, Dalian,China, 2005

118. 毕军,关伟等,“GPS/GSM手持式定位仪的设计与实现”,电子测量与仪器学报,Vol.19,No.3, pp38-41,2005。

119. 毕军,关伟等,“车辆GPS/DR定位硬件系统的设计”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.5, No.3,pp24-26, 2005.

120. 毕军,关伟等,“公交电动汽车运行智能管理系统”,公路交通科技,Vol.22,No.7, pp131-134, 2005.

121. 张斐斐,关伟,“基于ITS的紧急事件快速反应系统的研究”,中国安全科学学报,Vol.15,No.10, pp30-34. 2005.

122. 于绪利,关伟,“公铁联运条件下物流实时跟踪系统设计”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.5,No.4。pp65-68,2005。

123. 毕军,关伟等,“电动汽车运行监控与统计分析系统的设计”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.5,No.1,2005。pp29-32。
128. 杨群,关伟,“基于合理多路径的路径选择方法的研究”,管理工程学报,Vol.16,No.4,2002。pp42-45。

129. 王万平,关伟,“智能物流配送服务系统的研究与设计”,北京理工大学学报,Vol.4,S1,2002。

130. 申金升,关伟等,“基于ITS和EC的智能物流系统研究”,交通运输系统工程与信息,Vol.1 No.4, 2001

131. 黄溅华,关伟,“公共交通实时调度控制方法研究”,系统工程学报,Vol.15,No.3,2000。pp277-280。

133. 刘志硕,申金生,关伟,“车辆路径问题的混合蚁群算法设计与实现”,管理科学学报,Vol. 10, No. 3, 2007。

134. Sun, Yuxing, Lian, Aiping, Guan, Wei,“Mass rapid transit scheme planning based on bi-level programming model”, Proceedingsof the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Engineering, ICTE 2009,pp2996-3001, July 25, 2009 - July 27, Chengdu, China, 2009.

135. Gou, Xixia, Bi, Jun; Guan, W., “Application of grey model in predictionfor railway freight volume”, Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC2008, p 3722-3725 ,2008,

136. Aailing Huang, J.S. Shen and Guan W. “Study on Bus Route EvaluationSystem in Beijing Based on AHP”, Proceedings of 2007 IEEE IntelligentTransportation Systems Conference, Seattle,WA,USA,Sept.30-Oct.3, pp419-424, 2007.

137. Ailing Huang; J.S. Shen; Guan W., “ITS planning methodologyfor Chinese cities and its evaluation model”, Proceedings of 9th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Toronto,Canada,pp1125-1130, 2006.,

138. Liu Z.S., Shen J.S. and Guan. W., “Models for Urban TrafficCapacity, Traffic Environmental Carrying Capaicty and Their Applications”, Proceedings of 2003 IEEE InternationalConference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2003.

专著/译著 关伟,马继辉,黄爱玲,宋丽英,徐猛,李宝文,王海星,任华玲.公共交通规划与运营--理论、建模及应用[M]。国内:清华出版社,2010-05

专利 部分发明专利:
主动服务式道路交通诱导装置,ZL 2011 1 **.6
交通诱导室外屏的网络化控制系统,ZL2008 1 **.
纯电动公交车电池参数传输装置,ZL2009 1 **.1


获奖与荣誉 1. 2008年参加的“北京奥运电动客车开发及关键技术推广应用”项目获教育部科学技术进步一等奖(证书号:2007-194)。
2. 2008年获得国家科技部颁发的”科技奥运先进个人”。
3 2008年获教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划.
4. 2009年主持的“北京奥运公共交通运营管理系统”项目获“北京交通科技创新奖”。


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