

(全职,发布于2018-11-23) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:广州
  • 职位:轻工产品测试工程师-广州
  • 信息来源:前程无忧(51JOB)



1、 按照标准或客户的要求对产品进行物理性能测试,主要测试产品范围包括陶瓷、蜡烛、刀具、梯子、健身器材、球类、自行车、头盔护具等消费品;
2、 按照实验室要求完成测试报告; 
3、 处理测试相关的客户的技术咨询。
1、 本科学历,机械、自动化等理工科相关专业;
2、 能够独立运作测试项目;
3、 CET-4及以上;
4、 诚信。


公司名称:通标标准技术服务有限公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司介绍:关于SGS SGS是全球领先的检验、鉴定、测试和认证机构,在世界各地共有95,000多名员工,分布在2,400多个分支机构和实验室,构成了全球性的服务网络。 SGS通标标准技术服务有限公司由SGS集团和隶属于国家质检总局系统的中国标准科技集团共同于1991年成立,现已在全国建成了78个分支机构和150多间实验室,拥有15,000多名训练有素的专业人员。 在中国,SGS的服务能力已全面覆盖到纺织品及鞋类、玩具及婴幼儿用品、家居及轻工产品 、电子电气、农产食品、生命科学、化妆品及个人护理、石油化工、矿产、环境、工业、交通和电子商务等多个行业的供应链上下游。凭借全球化技术优势和本地化服务理念,我们不断创新,通过一流的检测、认证服务,致力在企业组织、政府和个人间传递信任,更助力本土及全球客户加速业务成功、提升可持续发展竞争力。 作为优秀的企业公民,SGS连续四年入选道琼斯可持续发展全球指数。SGS始终以负责任的态度经营企业、回馈社会。如在全国各分支机构持续开展捐资助学、爱心支教、扶贫帮困、赈灾救危、保护环境等公益活动;并对办公场所进行能效评估和改造工作,减少碳排放,是可持续发展理念的积极践行者。 我们的荣誉 2017年,SGS入选福布斯全球2000强,名列跨国企业***表现第58位与全球最具创新力企业榜第83位。同期,SGS入选富时社会责任指数,其是首个度量符合全球公认企业责任标准的公司表现的指数系列。在中国,SGS十年荣膺中国外贸企业最受信赖的检测认证机构榜首,七年蝉联中国100典范雇主殊荣。 About SGS SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 95,000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 2,400 offices and laboratories around the world. SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co. Ltd. was founded in 1991 as a joint venture between SGS Group and China Standard Science and Technology Group. With an extensive network of 78 branches and more than 150 laboratories we have more than 15,000 professionals working for us. In China, SGS’ service covers various industries such as textiles & garments, toys & children’s products, houseware & sundries, electrical & electronics, agriculture & food, life sciences, cosmetics, personal care & household, petrochemicals, minerals, environment, industrial, transportation and e-commence. Leverage globalized technology strength and wide-spread local service networks, SGS always innovates our services to bring best-in-class testing, inspection, certification and training services to build trust between trading partners, governments and public organizations, and ultimately to help our customers achieve sustainable business success in local and global market. SGS constantly contributes to charities including education, poverty & natural disaster aid. We monitor our energy efficiency performance and retrofit our utilities in a bid to reduce our carbon emissions to demonstrate high degree of responsibility towards people, environment and the communities in which we operate. ww***.cn[点击查看] Recognition and Award SGS Group was recognized on the list of Forbes Global 2000 as one of the Top Multinational Performers and World’s Most Innovative Companies. Besides, SGS group has been named an industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index as well as the FTSE4Good Index. In China, SGS has been awarded as the Most Reliable Foreign Trade Services Provider since 2007, and the Best Human Resources Management Company since 2011.