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How to develop app software

2019-05-16 16:13:27180803browse

As we all know, the mobile Internet brings convenience to users and business opportunities to related companies. In this new area of ​​development, App software development may reshuffle the market share of the industry.

How to develop app software

What knowledge is needed to develop a complete app:
1. Early demand planning and information - you need to develop a Complete requirements documents, functional documents, flow charts, and sequence diagrams.
2. Interaction design, UI design - design a basic and complete prototype diagram and the basic interactive design effect of the app, and then design a complete UI interface based on these and learn to cut pictures, and some materials that need to be adapted The picture needs some 9patch. You also need to understand the conversion between px, pt and dp, the conversion of screen density and the coefficients between them, so that your app can perfectly adapt to devices with different resolutions. Among them, interaction design requires you to know a lot of skills and experience in human-computer operation and master the use of interactive tools such as Axure. UI design requires you to master operations such as Photoshop and Illustrator.
3. To use a development environment such as ADT for app software development, you must master the java language and be familiar with the android environment and mechanism.
4. If it is not a stand-alone version of the app and requires the use of a server, then you must master WebService related knowledge and development languages. Commonly used ones include ASP.Net, PHP, JSP, etc.
5. Familiar with and able to develop databases.
6. Some functions require algorithms, which also require certain professional knowledge, especially mathematical foundations.
7. Be familiar with API interface development, including your ability to develop APIs yourself and experience in calling third-party APIs.
8. Be familiar with TCP/IP, socket and other network protocols and related knowledge.
9. Be proficient in the App publishing process, real device debugging skills, certificates, packaging, and putting on shelves. In fact, App development is not necessarily suitable for one person. It is too laborious. Unless it is a small stand-alone application or a simple third-party application developed using a ready-made app, it is better to let a team complete their respective areas of expertise.

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Java Tutorial.

Three options for developing app software

The first one: Self-built development team development

Generally speaking, The development team requires about 4-6 members, including product managers (many times the product manager is the boss), UI designers, Android front-end development engineers, iOS front-end development engineers, etc. Each person is responsible for different parts such as testing.

The advantage of a self-built team is to control the progress of the project (there is also a situation where the boss has no concerns and the needs change, but the project cycle is extended indefinitely), but if the team is relatively new, team members move quickly and lack experience, Then it needs to be run-in, resulting in increased team costs.

Second type: Software company development

is generally a formal company, and the whole process will be very standardized and systematic. Some companies are large studios that specialize in private subcontracting. It should be noted that the company needs to be reliable, have its office in an office building, and have more professional and technical personnel.

When choosing a development company, it is best to conduct on-site inspections, understand the technical strength, and view real development cases. Choose a company that is close to your heart. Communicate promptly with the project management team during the project. Choosing an App development company can not only focus on the development team, but also evaluate the specific strength, design and other related advantages of the product.

However, the cost of outsourcing development is relatively high, usually starting at 200,000, and ordinary small and medium-sized enterprises simply cannot afford it.

The third type: own programming-free production

Private development includes independent entrepreneurs, students, teachers, technicians, etc. This usually involves developing projects in your own spare time. In the past, due to the technical threshold of App, it was difficult for individuals to create Apps.

With the advancement of technology, you can now create mobile APPs by yourself without any programming development skills or finding a professional outsourcing company for development. And the cost can be saved by about 90%.

This is the "Application Park" APP online production platform that won the first prize in the China (Shenzhen) Technology Venture Capital Innovation Competition. People who don’t know programming can also create mobile APPs in a jigsaw puzzle style. The App Park platform brings together hundreds of common APP functions that have been developed. You can freely combine these pre-developed function modules to create a mobile app like a puzzle, and the cost can be saved by more than 90%.

Moreover, the App Park platform has already developed hundreds of well-developed sets of native App templates in vertical fields, which can be used directly and allow you to complete the production of the App in 10 minutes at the fastest.

Perhaps everyone knows that while the mobile Internet brings convenience to users, it also brings business opportunities to related companies. In the process of the development of this new field, the market share of the App software development industry may be reshuffled.

The above is the detailed content of How to develop app software. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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