2021-03-28 11:29:33
共 1 个回答
1 这宗案件开始了  The Case Begins|
The September sun was shining brightly into the windows of 221B Baker Street, and London was enjoying a beautiful late summer. I had finished my breakfast and was reading the newspaper. As usual, Holmes had got up late, and was still eating. We were expecting a visitor at half past ten, and I wondered whether Holmes would finish his breakfast be fore our visitor arrived.|Holmes was in no hurry. He was reading once again a letter he had received three days ago. It was from Dr James Mortimer, who asked for an appointment with Holmes.|'Well,Watson,'Holmes said to me,’ I’m afraid that a doctor from Devonshire won't bring us anything of real interest. His letter doesn't tell us anything about his business though he says it's very important. I hope we can help him.'|At exactly half past ten there was a knock on our front door.|'Good,'said Holmes.'Dr Mortimer is clearly a man who will not waste our time.'|We stood up as our visitor was brought into the room.|'Good morning,gentlemen,'he said.'I'm Dr James Mor timer, from Grimpen in Devonshire, and I think you must be Mr Sherlock Holmes. He shook hands with Holmes, who said:|'How do you do,D