

公司: 个人地址: 商务应酬著名夜总会联系方式: 15678864192

【预订电话】:【156-7499-7965 周经理】【折扣微信:KTV7965】 关注公众号:二维码【预订猫】全国预订夜总会咨询 尊贵豪华的装修,顶级震撼的设备,设计风格独特,高品质的音响设备,多选择的果盘饮品,室内环境更是无可挑剔的,音响效果好,音质听着就让人感觉的舒服,价格也不贵,酒水、零食价格适中,还有多种美食提供给大家,设施先进齐全,歌曲曲目翻新速度快,歌库全,曲目多,是同学聚会,休闲娱乐的最佳选择;新场内除保留原有的商务KTV,演艺吧,商务会所,俱乐部等餐饮娱乐,还增设新型音响、灯光,由具有顶级水平的DJ将您带入一个个狂野动感世界,灯光扑朔迷离,如梦似幻,再加上音乐另类新组合的劲歌劲舞表演,更增添了狂欢夜带给您的入地探朔的感受,另类新组合 ROLLING BOY 的劲歌劲舞表演,更增添了狂欢夜带给您的入地探朔的感受。 凭借得天独厚的地理位置和以人为本的经营理念,成为行业的佼者,客源广阔,管理完善,是各界人士休闲消费的绝佳之地。在夜色的迷离中带给大家无限的欢乐,夜店里慵懒的眼神,耳边跳动着抑扬的节奏,让我们一起陶醉在夜总会那浪漫又浓烈的氛围里吧。这里是请客招待、友朋聚会、自娱自乐、放松心情,营造快乐的理想场所。 Luxurious decoration, the shock of the top equipment, unique design style, high quality service attitude, high-quality audio equipment, multi choice fruit drinks, the indoor environment is impeccable, good sound and sound to listen to let people feel comfortable, the price is not expensive, drinks, snacks and a variety of moderate price. Delicacy available to everyone, modern facilities, songs fast track refurbishment, song library, music, is a gathering of students, the best choice for entertainment; Xinchang in addition to retain the original business KTV, performing it, business, catering and entertainment clubs, also added new sound and light, with the top level the DJ will bring you a wild dynamic world, whirling light, dreamy, plus music offbeat new combinations of song dance performances, and add more. Huan night brings you the feeling of entering the land, and the new combination of ROLLING BOY's vigorous dance performance adds to the feeling that the carnival night brings to you. With richly endowed by nature geographical position and people-oriented business philosophy, to become the industry leader, source wide, perfect management, and is an excellent leisure consumption from all walks of life. In the night of the blurred to bring infinite joy, lazy eye nightclub, ear beating iambic rhythm, let us revel in the nightclub that romantic and strong atmosphere. Here is the reception party, friends treat, entertain and relax, to create an ideal place for happiness.