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How to create a WeChat public account

2024-01-04 09:06:051963browse

1. How to develop a WeChat public account?

To develop a WeChat public account, you can follow the steps below:

  1. 1. Register a WeChat open platform account: Visit WeChat Open the platform and register a developer account.

  2. 2. Create a public account: Log in to the WeChat open platform and follow the instructions to create a new public account.

  3. 3. Obtain developer qualification certification: Some advanced functions require developer qualification certification and submit certification materials as required.

  4. 4. Set the basic information of the official account: In the background of the official account, set the basic information, including the official account name, avatar, etc.

  5. 5. Choose development method: According to business needs, choose to use public account development framework, mini program, or enterprise WeChat, etc.

  6. 6. Develop public account functions: Use the development documents provided by WeChat and develop the required functions in accordance with the specifications. You can use the interfaces, SDK, etc. provided by WeChat.

  7. 7. Testing and Release: During the development process, functional testing is performed through the test account provided by WeChat. After passing the test, submit it for review and release.

2. How to obtain openid when developing WeChat public platform?

To obtain the user's openid, the user usually needs to authorize it in the official account. Here are the basic steps: 1. In the official account developer platform settings, configure the web page authorization callback domain name. 2. Create a custom menu in the official account, add a click event, and point to the link to obtain user authorization. 3. The user clicks the custom menu in the official account and jumps to the link to obtain user authorization. 4. In the link to obtain user authorization, guide the user to click the Agree Authorization button. 5. User agrees

  1. 1. User authorization: Guide users to click the authorization button in the official account to trigger the WeChat webpage authorization process.

  2. 2. Get code: After the user agrees to the authorization, WeChat will redirect to the callback URL you specify, along with the authorization temporary ticket code.

  3. 3. Get openid through code: Use code to call the WeChat interface to obtain the user's openid and other information.

  4. 4. Storage openid: Store the obtained openid in your system for subsequent use.

3. Summary

To develop a WeChat public account, you need to register a WeChat open platform account, create a public account, and develop functions according to the development documents. To obtain the user's openid, you need to guide the user to authorize, obtain the authorization code, and then obtain the openid through the code. In general, the development of WeChat public accounts requires registration on the WeChat open platform and development according to specifications, while obtaining openid is achieved through user authorization and calling the WeChat interface.

The above is the detailed content of How to create a WeChat public account. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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