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Simple small example of API interface development based on thinkphp6.x

2020-12-11 16:02:544672browse

The following tutorial column of thinkphp framework will introduce to you a simple small example of API interface development based on thinkphp6.x. I hope it will be helpful to friends in need!

Simple small example of API interface development based on thinkphp6.x

A simple small example of API interface development - based on thinkphp6.x

Mainly helpful for PHP children who have never been exposed to interface development. That is: the front end submits a product ID and returns product details; there is no authentication or anything else, it is just used to understand the process and become proficient from getting started

A simple small example of API interface development - based on thinkphp6.x, the code is as follows:

Step 1: Front-end code (requester) view/index/index.html:


Step 2: Controller code (requester) controller/index.php:

Step 3: API interface, code controller/goods.php:

// 返回数据
return json($data);//print_r($data);

The above is the detailed content of Simple small example of API interface development based on thinkphp6.x. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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