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Unit1 课内练习答案 课内练习答案 P3 Comprehending 1 1 First settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America These people are now known as Native Americans 2 Spanish soldiers arrived in South America 3 California became part of Mexico 4 The US declared war on Mexico 5 Gold was discovered in California 6 California became the 31ststate of the US P3Ex 2 第一行 in the early 16thcentury early 1800s 1800s 第二行 late 1840s early 1850s in the late 19thcentury 1911 第三行 1920s beginning of the 20thcentury from about the 1970s 第四行 from about the 1970s in more recent decades from about the 1970s P4Ex 1 learning about language Adjectivemajor Italianhard Korean racial Pakistani distinct Danish Noun majority Italy hardship Korea race Pakistandistinction Denmark P4Ex 2 1federal 2Catholic 3majority 4Ministry 5boom 6Italy 7distinction 8hardships 9Korea 10elected P4Ex 3 Arctic Strait crossing by means of rail making a life aircraft P5 Ex 3 P6Ex 2 P5 Ex 3 1 6 2 4 3 5 4 3 5 7 6 2 7 8 8 1 P6Ex 2 1 He started in northern California and he has been travelling south 2 The facts that not everybody is rich not everybody lives on the coast and the desert in California is not like the rest of the climate of California surprised him 3 He had watched too many American movies 4 Many people from different countries moved to California They brought their own customs culture and food They kept them up and so produced the large variety of food music customs art and cultural activities P6Ex 3 southeastern CaliforniaAmerican moviesbeach coastcotton vegetables nutssoutheastdesertracesfestival music P7Ex 1 1Wednesday Angel Island 2Monday Fisherman s Wharf 3Tuesday Chinatown 4 Tuesday blue and white road sighs 5Wednesday Golden Gate Bridge 6 Monday cable car P9Ex 2 1 He invented the cable car system because the horse drawn trams used before were unsafe 2 He ate at Fisherman s Wharf 3 It was convenient for him to tour around the city It was cheaper to hire a car with other people because they could share the coast Also he probably enjoyed being in the company of other tourists 4 Eat in Chinese restaurants go to markets visit temples and museums 5 It was famous as a place for immigrants to be checked before they could enter California Workbook 练习题答案 练习题答案 P46Ex 1 1Traveller s Tales2Tom Price3Mandy Long4New Orleans P46Ex 3 1F2T3T4F5T6T7F8T9T P47Ex 4 1 略 2 hot and humid 3 1812 Louisiana became a state of the USA 1857 The first Mardi Gras celebration was held 4 C P48Ex 1 a great many applying for nephew ferry Immigration Apparently bakeries occur thankful fascinating P48Ex 2 1take in 2reform 3had marked out 4team up with 5back to back 6applicants 7customs P48Ex 3 1 When he arrived at the hotel the first thing he wanted to do was to leave his luggage baggage have a shower and shave and then walk around 2 My grandpa was a socialist who believed in socialism all his life 3 Many illegal immigrants felt that their stay in America was like a punishment because only a few of them got justice and were allowed to live there 4 The civil authorities tried to reduce the noise made by seagulls but failed 5 Many English farmers mourned their cattle which had to be killed because of mad cow disease 6 My house is nowhere near the center of the city but it has no air pollution or traffic jams Although my house is nowhere near the center of the city it has no air pollution or traffic jams P49Ex 1 1how OC 2What SC 3whether OC 4what which OC 5what SC 6That SC 7Why SC 8why OC 9When SC 10 as if PC 11 where why PC 12How SC 13 why PC 14 that PC 15 whether OC P49Ex 2 1 it is used as the subject object predicative or appositive in a sentence 2 it is used as an attribute modifying a noun a pronoun or a sentence P50Ex 3 1 sad 2 the coffin was taken to the graveyard to be buried 3 serious 4 after the body has been buried and the people are leaving the graveyard 5 begins singing and dancing 6 celebrate the life of the person who has just died P52Ex 2 P52Ex 3 Achievements Learned to play drums and trumpet at age 12 Got a job in best band in town at age 16 Started making records at age 23 Became a huge star and remained popular for almost 50 years Acted in over 50 movies Became a goodwill ambassador for the USA Took part in the civil rights movement Good qualities Even though he was poor he never turned to crime to make a living He was a great musician He loved entertaining people He could communicate with people from all sorts of backgrounds He cared about civil rights issues He lived a simple life despite his rights and fame He continued to work all his life Unit2 课内练习答案 课内练习答案 P12Ex 1 1 The first use is to produce commercial quantities of plants The second is to research on new plants specials and do medical research on animals 2 Cloning plants is straightforward but the cloning of animals is very complicated 3 The first clone from an adult animal was Dolly the sheep She died in 2003 4 Cloning is controversial in some countries for moral and religious reasons P12Ex 2 Problems or dangers of cloning Evil leaders may want to clone themselves Animal clones may develop the illnesses of older animals Animal clones may die younger than the donor animals There are moral objections to cloning human being Advantages of cloning Medical cloning could produce cures for serious illness in humans Cloning plants can be useful for research on new plant species Cloning plants can produce plants of similar quality for sale Cloning can help save endangered animals P12EX 3 I think the writer is impartial because he she does not state any personal opinion about cloning P13Ex 1 1differ2cast3accumulate4exact5altogether6objections7un dertake8moral P13Ex 2 1 straightforward2 arbitrary3 commercial4 made an objection to5 obtain6 will forbid P13Ex 3 1attain2complicated3fate4carrier5cast 6reform7accumulate P14Ex2 1997 年多莉羊诞生的消息宣布后便成为一项科学突破 但是 后 来多莉染上严重肺病的问题又使科学家们忧虑 2003 年 2 月 14 日科 学家们做出让多莉长眠的决定 多莉之死正如它的出世一样 肯定会 带来焦虑 多莉早亡的事实令世人失望 科学家们认为克隆可能会带 来很多重大的科学突破和医学疗法 但是现在他们不得不思考这样的 问题 多莉早死是因为它是一只克隆羊吗 除此之外 关于是否应 该允许进行人类克隆实验的问题也引起了激烈的争论 科学家们相信 人类的克隆只不过是时间的问题 但是克隆人已经问世的说法还没有 被证实 P14Ex 3 1 that she would come next week for a short visit 2 that a woman trapped under the ruins for six days was rescued 3 that he failed in the test 4 that she had dreamed of for years 5 that he must have safety training 6 that the interview went well 7 that the people in the earthquake hit areas had rebuilt their homes 8 that everyone in class did well in the performance P16Ex 1 1 There will not be enough genetic variation in the group to be able to resist new illnesses 2 It is not a good idea to clone an animal that would live in a zoo because it is not a suitable habitat to develop and increase its numbers The zoo is not a natural environment for a wild animal P17Ex 1 1 3 4 5 P17Ex 2 Workbook 练习答案 练习答案 P54Ex 2 2 3 4 P54Ex 3 1 Clare thinks people will want to buy cloned babies if they cannot have babies of their own 2 People have not thought that there may be dishonest laboratories who will produce and sell cloned babies like a baby factory 3 略 4 略 P55Ex1 procedure assumption be bound to resist from time to time restoring shortly claws brought back P55Ex 2 1in time2in danger3in vain4in black pen5in favor of6In the meantime P55Ex 3 1 I adore homemade rectangular loaves made with brown flour and nuts 2 He is very conservative and is even in favor of a constitution that gives few rights to immigrant voters 3 When the leader of the chorus retired from the opera they held a dinner party for him 4 The media plays an important role in influencing public opinion 5 Don t bother about taking down those decorations yet The Christmas celebrations aren t over yet 6 The regulations for cloning animals are very strict and he is unable to continue his experiments 7 Don t bother yourself about cloning my pet cat I won t expect to bring it back to life 8 The people in flooded areas owed a great deal to the PLA soldiers for their rescue work P56Ex 1 1C2E3A F4B5A F6D P56Ex 2 1 that they should buy a new car 2 that they wanted the most expensive one 3 that they would save for six months 4 that Sue s uncle had died unexpectedly 5 that she must follow when she inherited money 6 that she should save all her money in the bank 7 that she was doing the right thing to use the money Appositive clauses 1 3 4 P56Ex 3 1 the explorer 2 how he got his job 3 that mountain climbing was so popular in his hometown inFlorida 4 that he both could take risks and earn a living5 that he would study earth sciences at university6 That he spoke many languages7 why he did not make it his career8 that he is retiring this year P57Ex 2 1O2O3F4O5F6O7F8O9O10F P57Ex 3 1 He wants to make his mother happy by keeping her pet dog alive forever and also wants to take the chance to America for holiday when the dog is being cloned there 2 Frank doesn t agree with cloning because he thinks cloning is very expensive and it has many moral problems 3 Billy s mother is in favor of cloning She is saving money to go to America to have her pet dog cloned just before it dies 4 略 P57Ex 4 P57Ex 5 BILLY 1 the cloning procedure 2 the experiments in America FRANK 1 your mother to love her dog so she will want to clone it when it gets old 2 take advantage of that to have a good holiday P59Ex Unit3 课内练习答案课内练习答案 P21Ex 1 1 The mother was upset because a family of snakes had made their home near the house 2 The writer was happy because it gave her an opportunity to help her mother and invent something to catch the snakes without hurting them at the same time 3 These are the three creative steps the writer took to trap the snakes by cooling them and making them sleepy so could catch them Step1 She bought a stainless steel ice cream maker and froze the bowl She added ice cubes to the top of the bowl to keep it cold She placed it over the snakes habitat during the day so that the snakes would become sleepy and could be easily caught Step2 As above she did the same but placed the bowls over the snakes habits in evening Step3 As above but added a net to catch the snake 4 Snakes do not have a way of keeping warm in their bodies They get warmth from the sun and become more active at this time When the sun goes down at night they cool down and become less active So extra cooling to the snake would make them even less active and easier to catch P23Ex 1 1 cube cubicbase basic mercy merciful fancy fanciful stain stainless care careless caution cautious poison poisonous 2 expect expectation relax relaxation produce production reduce reduction identify identification satisfy satisfaction 3 strong strengthen long lengthen freezing freeze disappointing disappoint P23Ex 2 1 The greengrocer at the corner is probably the most convenient to reach 2 If you want to apply for a credit card you must provide valid identification 3 You need to approach that animal with caution as it may bite 4 She is passive during meetings and does not contribute to discussions at all 5 I found his phone number in the directory and tried to call ring up last night but there was no reply 6 I don t think of my hometown very much only now and then 7 Luckily the rainfall stopped abruptly before I left 8 In a courtroom it is sometimes difficult to distinguish who is innocent and who is guilty P23Ex 3 criteriaabruptlyfilevalidperfumeseizeset aboutproduct P24Ex 2 1 signed2disappointed3understood4embarrassed beaten5pleased P24Ex 3 designeddevelopedrejectedwelcomedtestedimprovedad opted P24Ex 4 1the play performed2the car started3her paintings displayed4your bedroom tidied5myself thrown6my time taken up7 sausage burnt8some guests invited P26Ex 1 His saying means that it is important to be experimental By being curious exploring around a subject you may by chance come up with some new and original ways of solving a problem 2 His curiosity and exploring spirit led to his success as an inventor of the telephone 3 Bell invented the telephone and the tetrahedron shape by chance Both of these are extremely useful and still used today 4 He will always be known as the inventor of the telephone because it was a very popular invention and the patent made the most money ever P26Ex 2 washing machinedrumcarpet cleanercourt P26Ex 3 Workbook 练习答案 练习答案 P62Ex 2 11 22 P62Ex 3 1 Ruth wants to buy the mobile that turns itself on when it receives important calls She missed three yesterday when her mobile was switched turned off 2 Mobiles can videotape and act as a computer now 3 They will be able to plan holidays book air tickets hotel and an appropriate place to stay They will authorize paying for them too 4 Ruth is worried because it might spend her money 5 The advantages are that they help people who are busy at work to order goods at the cheapest price or book holidays air tickets ect 6 The mobile may spend money unwisely or spend more than a person can afford You may forget the spending and not include it in your accounts of your personal income P63Ex 1 1set aside 2set out 3set down4set off5set up6set about7set off P64Ex 2 tap dots wire practical invaluable competence personnel dynamic stable P64Ex 3 extensionHang onring call upout of orderget throughcall backring off P64Ex 4 1 The eyewitness a greengrocer proved in court that the driver was innocent of the terrible accident which caused a traffic jam that lasted for several hours 2 I could not bear to live in a city with so much rainfall even though it is good for my skin 3 Helicopters and jeeps are widely used in current wars 4 My associate checked the telephone directory and found the number to dial the after sales service department when his refrigerator broke down 5 The little girl bumped her head on a corner of the desk and it left a mark like a triangle on her forehead 6 The identification of the correct route was difficult as it was so foggy early in the morning 7 Even though he couldn t swim he dived into the river to save the little girl 8 In summer farmers like to wear straw hats while working in the fields P65Ex 1 disappointingdisappointedamusingamusedconfusingconfused surprisedsurprisinginspiredinspiringshockingshocked P65Ex 2 1confusedconfusing2shockedshocking 3surprisedsurprising 4amusing amused 5disappointing Disappointed6inspiringinspired P67Ex 1 1 Leonardo lived at a time of great instability when paintings did not always provide a steady income 2 His designs were different because he took things apart and then improved them So his designs were accurate and could be built and used 3 Painting helped him with his inventions because while painting he had learned to observe things closely and draw accurately 4 This question has no correct answer It encourages Ss to give an opinion of their own and requires them to give a reason for their choice P67Ex 3 I think Leonardo designed an early car because the picture seems to show a vehicle that can move backwards and forwards has four wheels and can take people for a ride It does not have beds or room for beds so it cannot be a caravan It is made of mental so it cannot be a tent It does not go round and round so it cannot be a roundabout P68Ex 2 Unit4 课内练习答案 课内练习答案 P30Ex 1 1 Henry Higgins 2 She thinks he is a policeman in disguise 3 He has been living in India and has studied many Indian dialects 4 He is anxious to meet Colonel Pickering because he is researching in the same academic field as Pickering 5 Her ambition is to be a shop assistant She decides to take lessons from Professor Higgins to achieve her aim 6 Eliza is from the lower class She is respectful to people of the higher class She calls gentleman sir and cap in or captain which is a compliment Henry Higgins is from the middle class He is rude to the lower class and polite to the same or upper class He calls Eliza your silly girl and Pickering my dear man an equal and friend Colonel Pickering is from the upper class He is generally confident and polite but ignores Eliza He is prepared to begin a conversation with Henry whom he does not know and generous with praise to him P31Ex 2 1Yes 2 Yes 1 respects his professional work as a phonetician calls him sir and my dear man 2 watches her notes her reactions talks about her in front of her calls her silly girl 1Yes 2 Yes 1 appreciates his expertise praises him asks his opinion happy to be friends 2 ignores her does not stop Henry when he talks about Eliza in front of her which is very rude 1Yes 2 Unclear 1 anxious eager not to do the wrong thing ambitious to improve herself respectful and curious about Henry s expertise 2 feels upset not being included in the conversation when talked about P31Ex 4 Henry Higgins Impatient rude confident superior self important Colonel Pickering Kind polite generous enthusiastic eager confident Eliza Anxious eager emotional ambitious unsure dynamic P31Ex 5 1 Come over here captain and buy some flowers from a poor girl 2 I haven t done anything wrong by speaking to that gentleman 3 I thought that maybe you were a policeman in disguise 4 How do I know whether you wrote down what I said accurately 5 A shop assistant Now that s something I would like to be P32Ex 1 1caption 2garment 3whistle 4woollen 5hesitate 6troublesome 7wallet 8outcome 9condemn 10brilliant 11adaptation 12thief P32Ex 2 mistaken status betrayed classify pass upper superior fortune han dful plot classic P32Ex 3 1 in disguise 2 in delight 3 in amazement 4 in particular 5 in return P33Ex 2 1 Being taught by the two gentlemen Eliza made great progress 2 Having been awarded so many prizes in literature George felt that his years of efforts were well deserved 3 Bitten by the snake in the bush Susan was sent back to the camp 4 Having been punished by his boss he was in a very bad mood 5 Having been cheated by that company he lost all his possessions 6 Having found a hole in her stocking Mandy said to her friend I will buy another pair and meet you in two hours time 7 Having been forced to leave his job he set up his own company 8 Having been caught the thief was taken to the police station by the police P33Ex 3 determined Forced Knowin


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