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What is programming python

2020-03-03 12:09:3811739browse

What is programming python

What is programming in python?

Python is a methodical and powerful object-oriented programming language. Python has become one of the most popular programming languages. This article will give you a simple introduction to the basics of Python programming.

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Explanation of the entire Python system:

Python is a programming language that is easy to learn and very powerful.

Python has efficient high-level data structures and can perform object-oriented programming simply and quickly.

Python's syntax is simple and elegant, and it is a dynamic language. This, combined with its interpretability, makes it an ideal language for writing scripts or developing applications on most platforms.

The interesting origin of Python

Python is one of the fruitful achievements of free software. Python is purely open source software, and its source code and interpreter all follow the The GPL agreement is completely open source. Its founder is called Guido Van Rossum. The Python language was invented and created at Guido's home in Amsterdam during the Christmas period of 1989. The name of the language Python is derived from the name of a circus that Guido liked.

Python’s philosophy:

Python is engineering, not art. In fact, many programmers regard programming languages ​​as an art. They believe that as long as they become more proficient in the language and come up with many tricks, they have mastered the language. But in fact, some people emphasize that language is actually a tool, mainly used to solve engineering problems. Well, Python is actually such a feature. It is mainly used to solve the problems you encounter in business, rather than saying that it is a particularly tall work of art.

There is only one way to solve a problem. This is actually a particularly big highlight of Python. For example, in C language, when you write a sorting algorithm, you may have more than a dozen or even dozens of ways to write it; but in Python, there is only one most intuitive and efficient one. When you encounter a business problem, just use this method to solve the problem. You don't need to waste a lot of time, you just need to use the simplest and most efficient way to solve the problem.

Simple is better than complicated, clear is better than obscure. To put it bluntly, the entire philosophy of Python is short, flat, fast, short, flat, fast and concise. The point it emphasizes is that when making something, try to use shorter code to solve the problem and use more intuitive code to solve the problem. Unlike some other languages, such as C language and Java language, it requires writing a series of corresponding contents to complete this work.

Python is a programming language, a general-purpose high-level programming language, and it is applicable to many fields. At one stage, Python was actually used as a full-site language, because it is also called the glue language. It can write scripts written in any other language on any platform. The codes are glued together to run, and there is no problem in integrating them. At this stage, Python is mainly used for program development in multiple fields: data science, writing system tools, developing graphical interface applications, writing network-based software, and interacting with databases.

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